"...And if my art does nothing else,
I pray it makes you feel."
-Na'Tosha De'Von

Settle down, quiet everyone.
Can I please have your undivided attention
After careful consideration and zero debate
The committee of all things Black is hereby
Revoking all previous invitations to “The Cookout”
Yes, you heard correctly. We are taking Black I mean back “The Cookout”
From hence forward white women will have to do more that rock Bamboo earrings and sleep with Black men to get a slice of my Big Mama’s sweet potato pie
White men, that weak ass jump shot
your ability to do the dougie while maintaining a Black friend since middle school will no longer be enough
We ask that you turn in your Black by association cards immediately We realize that for some of you this may come as a shock
But the will of our ancestors must be done
To white parents of biracial children we ask that you drop your children off at the gate You may watch the festivities through the peak in the gate
No you can not get a plate to go
And while we're at it
White people of mixed couples since we all know
that you got in here by the hair of you chinny chin chin
We kindly ask that you huff and puff and blow yo ass out of here
Because we are hereby revoking all previous invitations to “The Cookout” Can everyone please line up in an orderly fashion
The reviewing process will begin now
May the odds forever be in our favor
HOLD….. Now look at this
It is clear that we have found ourselves faced with a grave mistake
Here we have caucasian A
coming in here with you Dr. Pepper and your Mountain Dew
didn’t your one Black friend tell you
that this is a Cookout around here we drink Dr. Thunder
Oh I guess you too good for Mountain Lightning
Access Denied
Now I know damn well you did not just hand me no potato salad with raisins Is that cat hair?
If you don't getcho
Hmmmm, lets see
Says here that you’ve attended several Black Lives Matter protest You’ve read James Baldwin
You Katori and Regina Hall good, Good
Oh but you let your friends say the N word
You don't correct them because you don’t want to seem problematic Who’s next
You have several Black friends
Yet you still believe that “All Lives Matter”
Well maybe you should take that energy to a picnic
Cause this here is a Cookout
And Black Lives have to start mattering before they all do
No amount of style, seasoned fried chicken, knowledge
of rap lyrics, black squares on instagram, Kylie Jenner lip injections Quote, unquote woke awareness
You never owning slaves but being embarrassed that your ancestors did Will get you through the gate
Not during this season
In this season you will have to fight with us
Vote for us
Be affected by Black pain and cause yourself to move
And I know you have the best intentions
You really want to learn
But I just can't let you read White Fragility over breakfast and think that you’re all caught up
So with all disrespect we are permanently here by revoking all previous invitations to “The Cookout”
I am simply not sorry but we just can’t let you in
Because when you leave you take our smiles
Pack to go boxes of Black bodies tuck them underneath your arms and still demand from us seconds
Like my culture wrapped in tin foil handed over to you just isn't enough You want our spirits in sippy cups
Like for generations we ain't already breastfed your children Ain't you just fat and full from my peoples sacrifice
So how dare you ask to be a part of our celebration
Now you may take your oppression
Your green bean casserole
and find yourself another park because this one is Black and taken

You mock God and our love with you sacrilegious prayers
You put him in our business like you yearn for the angels
to know of the time I turned my back against religion
Sacrificed all that I knew
Followed you down the alter only to find that you don't
practice what you preach you’ve made a fool of me
Your tongue hasn't been baptized in years
Your heart is of false prophecies
Yet you continuously tell the heavens that you’re still in love with me
As if you ever were
As if we never broke those vows we once made
when our sheets couldn't tell difference in whose skin was seeking pleasure and whose body was inflicting pain
On nights when we devoured confession like communion
Didn't bother to clear up the confusion
One Angel bragged on how you often pray that God gives me peace Isn't it just like you to demand that he does all the heavy lifting
Like he aint already unweighted your burdens by giving you me
But you bandage my wounds in religion
Pat yourself on the back for a job well done
Unlike the congregation we both knew that my salvation needed your presence more than your roof top prayers
But your ego obeys more sins than commandments
Saw the black beneath your eyes when I proclaimed to love you to death You tilt my head towards the sky demanding I die in order to prove it Lately I been talking to the waters and they say you wasn't baptized right And keep my mama’s name out ya mouth
Ain't been able to show her face in a month of Sundays
Got the choir ladies humming tunes on how her daughter just can't seem to keep a man Not knowing that I just couldn't keep his lies besides
Pastor Jenkins said he always saw the devil in you
Like you be praying for my peace because the narcissism in you
still thinks it's somehow linked to yours
The truth is we could have never bed a holy benediction
always knew from your touch
There’d be no scripture in your repentance
You taught me not to forgive and forget
So instead on these unholy grounds I’ll simply remember to regret you

He turns to me with a smile on his face
and confidence nestled in the basement of his throat and says
You look good, for a dark skin girl.
I stood there not knowing if I should say thank you
or if I should physically react by smacking his own heritage into his system I mean, who came up with that line?
As if my skin tone makes me the villain and the victim
The antagonist and the protagonist
Do you want me to be ashamed?
It seems like we still got that house nigga mentality
Leaving some to believe that a lighter skin tone makes you more beautiful or superior than most
How dare we drink their toxicity on such an empty stomach ?!
Compliments like these are the reasons why little Black girls
Spend hours amongst hours bleaching their skin
Simply trying to fit in
This is not your typical Hollywood trend
Stop the madness
Breaking news, the NAACP sends out an Amber Alert
for you to find pride in your culture
Gather up your fellow brothers and sisters because in this we are lost Because contrary to popular belief and what history movies doesn't want you to see Cleopatra was in fact dipped in Black gold
As if finding me appealing is some form of a grand gesture
Cause this goes against what your father taught you
What Massa instilled into all of his first born sons
and you being of rape descendant had no choice but to cling onto daddy’s words Like he be too proud to sleep with us field nigga types
Like he wants them in the water but not wade in the waters
You see the most beautiful rainbow
that I have ever laid eyes on is ten different shades of Black women lined up in a row So I want to take the hand of that little girl whose skin tone
looks like sprinkles of Mid-night on top of a double scoop chocolate fudge sundae and tell her hold your head high
We are not beautiful despite the way the Sun decided to kiss
our coco butter melanin dipped skin
We are now and will always be beautiful because of it

My mother cleans like Pine-Sol cures poverty
Like if you hand her a bucket of bleach
She can wash away the inequalities
And I’ve always hated her optimism
The way it shines through stain glass windows
Why can't she see that the glass is attracting the dirt?
Why won't she just stop trying

He says I come in peace
With a switchblade in his right hand and a ancient torturing device in his left
Passed down by his grandfather
Built by Carthusian monks who grew weary of silence and solitude
I could see the other women spilling down the side of his mouth
Their hair still caught between the gaps within his teeth
Made sense to keep them there
Their limbs covering the space where his missing tooth once sat
I was told that in moments of submission they grew weak
so he chose to swallow their words for them
How else was he to have the final say?
It was better this way
to show his hand as a gentlemen
Made sure to step over the lifeless body of his last victim
who hung around his ankle
The weight never interfering with his step
He steps to you and says, hello
or maybe you spoke first
The clarity of your memory is always so fragile next to his perception
He holds up a magnifying glass to assure you that out of all the other boys
who skipped over academics to bench press their masculinity in gym class
Indifferent from the ones who cheated on their exams for an easy A
You were the science project that he was dying to explore
You feel lucky
Chosen even, in the way he chooses to protect you from the truth.
He hands you a weighted blanket of his lies
You tell yourself it's best for your anxiety
Not the load that keeps you stagnant
or the burden that keeps you near
No this was an act of Human Kindness and who are you not to indulge
To allow him the necessary freedoms to treat you like all the ones before
There is so much blood…….
He had to cut you open
The thickness of your skin made it hard to access the purity of your heart
You ask if this is necessary
This brutal form of lust
This medieval method of love
But with the prick of the blade he reminds you
that he desires your body in the literal sense
What a lucky girl you are!!!
Unlike the others he didn't have to break your bones in order to break you
What a fucking ease you have become….
The feminine figures whisper
Their ghost should have warned you
That when he says he comes in peace
what he means is he comes in pieces
And he is only held upright by the things that he's torn down